Technology Projects
Created and maintained by Elementary Instructional Technology Department
Jane Binford, Linda Ferguson, and Patty Williams

TEXAS 4th Grade  
Includes project templates, websites, & more.


Web Lists

United States

Holidays & Themes


The Fifty States

Kids Click! States

History Links

U.S. Map
(Includes links to state symbols and emblems for each state.)

The White House
Virtual Tour of the White House.

Discovering Lewis & Clark: Expedition - multiple links and photos

Plimoth Plantation Includes an interactive tour of the Mayflower.

Black History Month

President's Day

Constitution Day
an annotated list of sites

Click the pictures to learn more!

Social Studies for Kids - Often has information about historical events. Contains links to games and more.


Geography Links

Xpeditions - Atlas

National Georgraphic Kids

Smokey Bear (Fire Prevention Activities)

NetStates -interactive activity for states and capitals, when the state is clicked on facts about the state will be displayed

Owl & Mouse: Interactive maps
Free interactive maps to learn continents, countries, states, capitals, borders, physical features and cultural monuments.

Sheppard Software: Fun Map Games Learning geography is fun with this terrific collection of twenty-three quizzes from Sheppard Software. The learning level (with spoken prompts) will teach you state names, state capitals and geographic regions.

The American Presidency

More About Texas

American Presidency - Beginning at a third-grade level, you'll find biographies, quick fact browsers and articles on topics such as unsuccessful presidential hopefuls.

American -   A comprehensive non-partisan resource available on the history and function of the American presidency.

Inside the White House - interactive website that allows you to become the president for a day

American Presidents: Life Portraits - facts and photos about the presidents - easy readability

Texas Beyond History - virtual museum of Texas culture and history

World of the Caddo Indians -
interactive site with links to other Caddo sites

Fun Stuff to Do -
interactive activities

Texas Indians -
this creative site is made especially for kids

Native American Facts for Kids -
info about the Caddo, Apache and Navajo Indians

 Last updated 11/28/2006